Who is RonnieBassem
Yeah really – who the Hell is this being?
This being has been tagged with two names: an American name and a Lebanese name, sounds like a homeless being to me travelling the world in a little empty suitcase. Or someone who’s trying to uplift his roots, in order to spread his wings.
Or could it be some entity that has been thrown all around earth to long for its home, just like an Alien?
Yes, I do feel like a stranger to life on earth, as the child within me cannot conceive of conflict, chaos, religious divisions, secured border maps of countries, separation of nations, the hierarchy order of passports, discriminations (How Interesting It Is That The words “Nations” & “Mini-Nations” Exist In This Ugly Phrase!) and worst of all: human clinging to things they can never take with them, for no one has ever opened their inner eyes to the fact that their visit here is temporary, as they come in the form of naked little innocent children and farewell in the form of naked fragile little innocent old men. So why do we forget such birth-right innocence between our visits and farewells in this very short journey?
I don’t have an answer, but I do serve as a vehicle of expression.
I am neither an artist, nor a music producer. I am neither a writer, nor a composer. All I know is that I’ve been guided to express truth, whether through words or little musical arrangements. Just like an antenna that transmits wavelengths of energy, I am a mere conduit transmitting what is being delivered to me.
Why Me? Perhaps, my energy field is open to absorb little scattered bits of truth and perhaps better yet, that I miss my home, Lebanon – PERIOD!
What is The AWE Music Brand?
Music is the language of the Soul and the Soul seeks to know who it is in order to further seek its destiny.
• We all discover who we are through the Ambience of the Heart.
• Then we all discover our purpose through the Euphoria of the Soul.
• As we raise our energy from the Heart to the Soul then we discover the World from within.
As such, the elements of The AWE Music Brand are expressions designed to touch our essence between the Heart and Soul in order for us to recognize the World within.
The AKADEMIA Music Award
What is the AWE Music of Ronnie Bassem
AWE is a Brand combining the Genre Elements of:“Ambient/World/Euphoric”
How did this music evolve? It is a product of the “Creative-Self” who is inherent in each and every one of us. Once you allow the Creative Self to flourish, you will be surprised with the creativity that will evolve out of your own Being.
How does the Creative Self awaken? Simply by living in the very moment called “THE NOW”. The Creative Self cannot awaken to the past or the future as it is only dormant and can only awake in The Now.
Unfortunately, many of us are either stuck in the regrets of past memories or held- up in the aspirations of the future. Most of us paint our vision and hopes of the future with resolutions of past disappointments and that is the exact opposite of living NOW.
The past no longer exists and cannot even be proven whether it did exist or not. The future is becoming in every passing second. An hour ago was a mini-past and the next hour is the mini-future. Every fresh breath is a Brand new opportunity.
Most importantly, what truly dictates the course and outcome of the future is how we think and how we feel now, not how we thought or felt yesterday.
Consequently, in order to tap-in the creative energies of the Creative-Self, all you have to do is concentrate on what you can do now, not what you should have done yesterday, nor what you will do tomorrow. “NOW IS THE FUTURE”.
The greatest gift from our Creator is the Power of Choice. We can either choose to remain victims of the past or otherwise choose to be creative beings today.
Once you choose now and only now, it is certain that you will be shocked with your own personal gift as your creative energy will uplift you to pursue your passion and fulfill your own dream.